

Wilhelm Deffke
Pionier des modernen Logos

Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag
388 Seiten, 484 farbige und 120 sw Abbildungen
24,5 x 32 cm
ISBN 978-3-85881-392-3

EUR 75.00

BMF Deffke Headline

For the beautiful book about Wilhelm Deffke, that I luckily had to design for the Bröhan Design Foundation in Berlin, I realized a whole headline typeface family.
Here you can see some of my sketches and screenshots taken during the work on the fonts.
The typeface family will be soon available at the BuyMyFonts.com Shop (“When? You always say ‹soon›, but not how soon!” – Well, I will first need to make some changes to the shop, then to the typefaces, then to the payment system, then …).

Torsten Bröhan commissioned the design both of the book and the typefaces family: he is a great client and friend! Here something about him: torsten-broehan.de and here something about some work I did for Torsten Bröhan in the past 20 years.

Preparation sketches for the BMF Deffke Headline typeface family.
